We couldn’t let them leave without a gathering of course – so we offered our house. Around 20 people showed up, some having to make a fair trip into town to participate!
The event was pot luck – everyone who came was to bring food. The result was nothing short of a feast. The table could not hold it all so we ended up using the ironing board to extend the space. Spring rolls with spicy peanut sauce, vegetable pie, potato salad, humus, fruit, pickles, marble cake, chocolate cake (baked in an earth oven!) and snacks of all kinds. I had to struggle to keep people away from the table until all the guests arrived! Of course, true to form, I forgot the coleslaw I made in the refrigerator.
We had a wonderful time. Of course, several small groups set about fixing the world's (and Cameroon's) problems. Others told stories of their stay here and discussed their experiences in Cameroon. Many went out on the veranda to enjoy the view. Others still played catch with the little ones next door.
So we say “Till next time” to some special people: Gweneira (Snow White) who developed marketing profiles for a number of local agencies; Rosalind, who worked with a local council to help them develop better processes; Rowland, the civil engineer who mapped roads without a GPS for a small community nearby and Stacy who worked with a Community organization way out to engage people in participation. Last but not least, we say goodbye to Linda, our roommate of the last five weeks, with whom we shared after work beers and who helped us maintain perspective on all that is happenning to us.
In the meantime, we wish them a swift return home (without volcanic ash) and happy reunions with friends and family. We will miss them.
Goodbyes are always hard but especially under such extraordinary circumstances. Hopefully, there is a "hail" to go with our "farewell", and you will be welcoming new friends and coworkers quickly. London miss you; lovely weather, still cool (sorry, don't mean to rub it in), but sunny. The parks are in bloom, and we are preparing for a trip home next week, ask could permitting. Be well.