Wednesday, 1 December 2010

My guardian angel works overtime

Do you believe in angels?  I do - my life has been blessed with so much good fortune, timely occurrences and luck of the draw.  My guardian angel works overtime.

The big Cameroonian adventure is over.  But what a blessing it was.  I learned so much - about Africa, about Cameroon, about great people and great challenges.  Mostly, I learned about myself - some good things and some not so good.  I like to think I am a better person today than I was eight months ago.

As you know, I had a medical scare.  Julie was visiting in Cameroon and by chance (by guardian angel) I mention a little problem I had been having.  Dr. Julie soon had me going for tests, which turned out just ambiguous enough for SVO UK (they were terrific!) to call me back  for more tests in London.  We caught it early.  There are pre-cancer cells, but in the earliest stages.  It now requires monitoring and if and when these cells develop, treatment will be quick and simple.  Thanks, Guardian Angel.

We spent a month taking refuge with our friends, Ann and Joe Wells in London.  We met Ann and Joe quite by chance (by guardian angel) about a year ago.  We became friends and when we needed them, their door was wide open.  We stayed with them a whole month - giving new meaning to the phrase 'overstaying your welcome'.  Yet this wonderful couple was always gracious and welcoming.  Thanks, Guardian Angel.

Dave and I have been in Winnipeg almost a week now.  We are spending time with our son Eric and his partner Claude before we go see Julie and Paul in Toronto, and spend Christmas with Robert and Linnea in Montreal.  One of my biggest regrets about going to Cameroon is that I would not be with my family for Christmas.  It will be a great time to re-connect with family and friends.  Guardian Angel saw to that too!

January will be time to begin a new adventure - what that is we are not sure yet, but I know my guardian angel won't fail me.  We miss Cameroon and all the wonderful people we met there.  We won't forget them soon and maybe some day, we will have the chance to go back to visit (Can you do anything about that, Guardian Angel?)

So this is the last blog about the Cameroonian adventure.  Thank you all for sharing it with us.  Please, stay in touch.