Thursday 8 July 2010

The news finally came

Monday morning, I go into the office as usual. I am expecting Berry to come in but she does not appear. The cleaning lady, Grace, does a beautiful job and I quietly appreciate the women that I have met at Hope.

My placement being on hold, there is really no work to do. So I write and print a letter to my favourite aunt (which I better remember to mail) and do e-mail. I play solitaire while the very slow download of e-mails occurs. A couple of people come in and I explain that the people they were hoping to see were away until Thursday. Then I resolve that I will complete the Activity Log that VSO has required us to do… a task I had been putting off since my return from Canada.

Then the e-mail comes in. In big bold letters “Termination of Collaboration.” You all know I was expecting this to happen. HOPE really had no choice but to let me go – me or the funding, not much choice. But I was devastated. This was a pretty rude way to find out. I understand that my boss is away with the Fundamentalist couple but I had hoped a one-to-one conversation or at least a phone call. As a few choice words for the Fundamentalist couple spring to mind, the tears start rolling. I call Dave (always there when I need him) and tell him, asking him to come over. I need to pack up my things and leave.

As I wait for Dave, I write a note to Berry and one to Stephanie: “Sorry I did not get a chance to say goodbye in person, …” I empty my desk drawers – what comes, what stays. I put some things that need attention on Berry’s desk, then Stephanie’s desk, wiping my eyes as I go.

Just before Dave arrives, a lady appears at the door to visit. What a strange feeling. I put on my mask, greet her with a smile and explain that everyone is away at a mini-conference. Would she mind returning Thursday?

With Dave’s help, I put things away, collect others, and pack up my laptop. “What will you do with the keys? Dave asks. Nastily, I reply “That is their problem; they can come and get them!” In my heart, I know this is not HOPE’s fault – they were between a rock and a hard place, but I still feel disappointment and some anger.

Once home, all stuff is dumped and Dave says “Can I make you a cup of tea?” “No.” “Can I make you a hot chocolate? “No” “Is there anything I can do?” “Yes! Buy me a beer!” So off we go to the pub next door. (There always seems to be a pub next door where we are living!)

We sit at the pub for an over an hour, talking, discussing, chatting with the bar tender, and for me, shedding a few tears. Yet when we leave I felt refreshed and ready to move on. I know this really has nothing to do with me and the options open to me are not bad – another placement of my choosing or go home. I can handle either.


  1. Sorry to hear the sucks. It truly will be their loss and not your's wish people could see beyond themselves and into the potential benefits!

  2. Hi,

    Not even sure if I have words to express how sad this makes me feel for you. i think i said this before, but the expression 'everything happens for a reason' comes to mind. We will see the reason eventually, and this is definitely one of those, when one door closes, another one opens situations. We wish you good thinking about your decisions. There is always a place for you in london.

    had dinner at the mp on monday for the first time in 2 months; just not the same without you both. Gary wasn't around, but we sat in the garden, no smokers, how lucky, and had a nice meal.

    Will anxiously await your decisions. move into new flat went well; few items on the not right list, but time and patience will take care of them, we hope. View is better, and quieter now that the windwos are open at night.

    you're in our thoughts.

    Ann 7 joe

  3. I know what a difficult thing this is for you as you've grown to know & love those whom you serve. And it angers me that the women HOPE serves are deprived of your abilities & caring because of the shortsightedness of others. However, I know that you will rise above this & that the next door that opens will be the right one for you. I'm thinking about you, my friend. How I wish I could give you a hug.....

  4. Hi Dave & Ginnette,

    My name is Martin and I am writing to you on behalf of a website that I am currently involved in starting up. We aim to provide prospect volunteers with all the information they need in order to feel confident in their choice of organisation, position and destination, as well as inspire people to make the jump and try out volunteering.

    As a part of that, I was wondering whether you might be interested in answering a few questions and perhaps sharing any advice you may have for people who are considering to volunteer.

    If you think you might have time to do this, I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me through, and you can view the website I’m representing at

    Thanks, and keep up your amazing work!

    Martin Jonsson

  5. Hello again,

    Terribly sorry, but as I am trying to get in touch with as many volunteers as possible I do not fully read all the posts I comment on - the reason that I leave comments is simply that so many people do not have contact email addresses publicly available on these blogs.

    I just read your post though, and I am sorry to hear that things did not work out with your placement, and sincerely hope that VSO can help you sort something else out. While I realise that this may not at all be what you want to hear right now, I would really appreciate it if you could possibly consider writing about this experience for volunteeringinfo - we want to provide prospect volunteers with information covering every eventuality.

    Once again, I wish you the best of luck, and hope everything works out for you!


    Martin Jonsson

  6. So sorry to be hearing this Ginette, but like other respondents have been saying, I'm sure this really will be one of life's experiences that continue to build your life story.

    I also have a very large hug for you, should you ever get back London way. I have not been to the MP since you guys left - wouldn't seem right without you both.
