Back in London, our minds are turning to our great adventure in Africa. If all goes well, we will be in Cameroon in about 6 weeks! So preparations are well under way. Our motorcycle helmets (both too small) arrived while I was in Canada. Now there are forms and more forms to fill and today, I sent in our passports etc for VSO to get our visas. Packing is taking some planning. I will never ever know how one is supposed to reduce their entire life to 23 kg. but we will do it somehow. A bunch of stuff is already in Canada and there is more on the way... The local charity shop just loves us!
Two things happened today to really make this real. First, we went to the medical clinic for our jabs. Thank goodness we already had a number of them from our trips to the Philippines and India. Still, we needed yellow fever, rabbies and menangitis. Luckily, there were no adverse reactions though I wonder if all those little bugs are having a good time in my body. We need to return twice more to get the last two rabbies shots. Then we need to get lots and lots of malaria pills.
The other thing that happened to day
is that we received pictures of the apartment where we will be living in Bamenda. Would you believe leopard print sofas? Appropriate, don't you think?
We are excited to see what will soon be our new
home. It looks big enough and another volunteer lives upstairs. I can hardly wait to get there and make it our own little corner of the world. Of course, there are two bedrooms, so there will be space for any of you who want to visit.